Monday, January 11, 2016

January 11, 2016

WOW! I have so much to write about! Crazy things happened but I guess I'll start with the transfer news!!!

TRANSFERS: So I was guessing that I would finish my mission in Brantford and Sister Arnold would be released as a STL and train her last transfer. BUT President called and said we were both being released!! So, that means that Brantford is being whitewashed which is super stressful! We're a little nervous for the sisters because they have 20 sisters and lots of investigators, new converts, and returning members and a crazy schedule this week!! We've been leaving crazy notes all over the area book and the apartment so hopefully that will be good enough!! I'm so sad to leave Brantford. Like, I've been way grumpy all morning!!! Saying bye to everyone today is going to be death. But ANYWAYS.... I'm whitewashing into Richmond Hills!! Which is in the GTA! YAHOO!! Dying in Toronto!! And I'll be serving with Sister Davis! :) Sister Arnold is going to Sarnia and will be with Sister McDermont! We were so shocked when we found out!! But wanna hear something super weird? That was my last one... My next transfer will be to Provo... AH. 

HIGHLIGHT: I could not have had a better week to end my time in Brantford! NIKKI WAS BAPTIZED!!! Oh my goodness! It was such a blessing! We've been meeting with her for about 3 months but the last 3 weeks she's been progressing like crazy! She came to church 8 times straight and she quit smoking a couple weeks ago and is going strong! She's an amazing example to me! Well the baptismal service went so great!! She invited lots of friends so we had a lot of potential investigators there! It was on Saturday night but there were so many members who came out to support! The talks were so short and powerful and get this - Sister Arnold and I did a musical number with her and guess who joined us!? THE CLAYTONS!!! President and Sister Clayton both have amazing voices! And when we saw them last week they said they were coming to Nikki's baptism so we texted Sister Clayton on Friday to ask if they could join us in our musical number! They said yes, and it was the happiest! I recorded it! :) We sand "Beautiful Savior" and it actually sounded pretty good! The spirit was there and Nikki loved it!! She was baptized by our ward mission leader and then we had lots of food afterwards! Everything worked out and the service was so perfect! BLESSINGS! We called her last night to tell her we were both leaving and she's so devastated. When we say bye to her tonight we'll all have a crying fest. Cool. Good thing we have email and facebook and skype and stuff!!

OTHER HAPPY NEWS: Remember Densel? My recent convert in Weston! He's doing so good! He's planning on getting his endowments out soon and hopefully I'll be able to go! I almost cried when I found out!! It's so happy to hear people that I've met with in the past are still progressing!!! 

MLC: This last one was by far my favorite. I'm going to miss going to those meetings!! Well it started and there was kind of a heated discussion about our mission culture. Our numbers have gone done a little bit and some missionaries were being kind of negative about it all. Well President Clayton took over and took us all to the Chapel. We talked about what changes have taken place while we've been in chapels and how the Gospel has helped us. Well it turned into a powerful testimony meeting and the spirit was so strong. Pretty much everyone was crying!! It was amazing to see how fast the spirit of the meeting changed! President Clayton is so in tune with the spirit and was able to receive revelation for what we needed. The whole agenda of the meeting was changed but we were able to go back into the gym and have powerful, faith building discussions! I'll never forget it. AHHH

EXCHANGE WITH SISTER LIAO: I went to Kitchener Mandarin! I was totally a Chinese sister missionary for the day! :) It was so fun! First of all, Sister Liao is from Taiwan and is the cutest thing! We contacted by a university with lots of Asian students and miracles happened!! We found 2 new solid investigators and lots of other potentials! We also had a super awesome lesson. It was with an investigator who spoke as much English and I do Mandarin - so the lesson was in Mandarin! But you know what? I felt the spirit so strong still! It was amazing! The only bad news of that day was that I ate pizza for lunch and dinner. I think I had like 7 pieces all together. Something else kinda crazy. They just got a new car! And I was able to drive it. It's 2016 and had less than 200 K's on it so that was cool. 

ZONE COUNCIL: We also had a zone council meeting on Friday which was awesome! Sister Arnold and I gave an instruction that we planned from 10:40PM-11:20PM the night before in bed. We had no other time. Ha. But it was awesome! We talking about how we can more fulfill our purpose by applying the mission vision in the CTM! Missionaries really participated and it went really well! I'll miss instructing next transfer. 

AWKWARD STORY: I drove the new, nice car when I was on exchanges with Sister Liao then the next day Sister Arnold and I drove to the zone council meeting. Well we got there early then an Elder was on the phone and came up to me and asked if I still had the keys to the sisters car. OH MY GOSH! I totally did! They were just chillin in my bag. So some missionaries had to drive like 10  mins to take the keys to them! Such a rookie mistake. 

Shoot I wrote down so many other things to write about but I gotta go!
Sister Carney just came to the church to say bye to us!! SO HARD! I love her so much but the good news is she's coming to Utah this year! 
OH 1 more thing. I ate chicken heart this week. BOOO. 

Love you all! 

Sister Dayton 
 Nikki got baptized!

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